Sunday, September 28, 2008


After a long time i felt like writing something today. Was holding back have a look at what is happening around me. Today i feel free and relived.

But what made me really write this blog that the questions i have always had in mind and the questions that i have been asking to myself and people around me, weather associated to me by work or otherwise seems to be reflecting form various other people and specially women.For a moment i also stop to think am i being container of what i see and hear form other co-travelers in life. I would like to make it clear on the onset that i am not any feminist of sort or i am not particularly a person who dislikes men.(If someone wants to believe i actually Love them) But when i get a feeling of being pushed down, being restricted i feel like... This creeps in a feeling of being unequal in me it makes me have walked back in my journey in life then walking ahead. It is difficult, it feels bad that people around you get hurt wen you decide to talk your mind, it often seems so irrelevant to many people why would someone really want to be so different, why is it so difficult for people like me to stick to the societal norms, i guess that is what actually drew many people closer initially which later start becoming a difficult reality and character in a person to cope.

After thinking long i felt that is not too much i can do to change the way people look at me, if you really ask i would rather like people to remember me if the want to remember me as a more thoughtful and meaningful person rather then stereotypical loving and caring.

I feel i have just one life like most of us and i want to be myself. It might give me bruises i know but just feel like doing a blind jump in the pool, i feel like floating, i just hope i do not kike anyone in the same waters as i float along.

Just though of speaking my mind or heart, i know not...


Brinda said...

Hi Anuja,

for me being feminist does not mean hating men, but challenging patriarchal mindset that treats women unequal even from before birth. women also consitute part of the larger reality, which believes women, specifically 'females' should behave, express, think and work in a particular manner prescribed by the society (though constituted by both).

and important is not to feel guilty about being a feminist! a man believing in equality and questioning sex & gender based discrimination is equally feminist.

i recommend that you read Kamla Bhasin's booklet on 'some questions on feminism in south asia'



envirothoughts said...

Hey thanks guys for talking its great to know when you find others thinking and happier when they resonate