Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why a thud, why a brush!!@#*

Why a thud, why a brush!!@#*

Something struck me today at ‘personal’ level beyond the analytical, logical, anger, politics of what is better known today as 26/11

I am engaged in Development sector or some one might debate it as Rights Sector. (Though I have always believed that rights and responsibilities go together and it has been a struggle for me to maintain it that way).

I ran a programme with young community people to bring about energy, spark in the work we are doing. As from outside how ever exciting it seems it often gets rather lethargic, mundane, political on inside and one often feels like brushing things up.

The point here I am making is of the words we use. This process I secretly called it as young guns may be inspired by Rang de Basanti (I can be very filmy at times) Days later as I was looking at my old n rough drafts and stumbled upon this file called ‘young guns’.

Today I take a lot of interest in the political, defense, etc. development some of us still following after 26/11.

The way I have been feeling since evening of 26-pained with violence. I have never liked violence; I would not even like the site of violence. Yes, I was not among those surfing channels during the 60 hours siege. Something inside me told me not to do it.

Only now I realise and am questioning myself. Yes no one likes violence but all of us are violent all the time. In our speech, in expression, in inclusion and exclusion. I have often felt the need of letting my steam off too.

But Hey! Can we find a new language? Find new expressions which are not violent, don’t hurt, don’t exclude (We – starts with me, This is my dream work today)

May be too romantic an idea, but I would love3 to believe in such a tomorrow. Explore the unexplored. Walk where no one dares with a hope and belief that there is a beautiful tomorrow out there to be brought out here.

Human Nature Imagine Lyrics:
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
(Imagine) Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do (so hard hard to do)
Nothing to kill or die for
No religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...(oh...Living in peace)

You may say I am a dreamer (I am a dreamer)
(But I am not the...) But I am
not the only one ( I am not
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
the only one)
I hope some day you'll join us
(Imagine all the people)
And the world will live as one
(Imagine if you can...)
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...(Sharing the world)

You may say I am a dreamer (I am a dreamer)
(But I am not the...) But I
am not the only one (I am not
the only one)
I hope some day you'll join us
(Imagine all the people)
And the world will live as one

I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one
(Imagine all the people...)
(Living as one...)

1 comment:

krishna said...

hi there, buddy, Hmmm.... you surely have added more spice to that thought from the last time you read it aloud to me...

Just wanted to put it down that violence is something which even i abhor, also fear it. The fear to get hurt is more stronger than the fear to hurt someone else.

i was also examining 'anger' one of the strong human emotions which sometimes leads to violence. Even though the violent could be a spur of the moment reaction. nevertheless, it results in violence. i was also examining that can a human being ignore or do away with the emotion of anger? even if one does that won't i or the one who is 'successful' in accomplishing that become less human??

this does not mean that i extend the logic to say that in this situation violence also makes me human. No not at all in fact it takes me away from my natural element of being a human. Then the key lies in recognising and channelising my anger. question is towards what. While i am writing this in a flash i am reminded of chanakya who in his anger started uprooting the weeds and cleared the entire field of weeds. maybe the answer lies there to remove the 'weeds' within and give vent to the anger. i am not sure..... but at least holding onto that thought.....

well i take a violates the human existence and no violence is the way to strive for......ameen..........buddy