Saturday, December 27, 2008

The day people celebrated as I lost my voice Ha Ha!

Yes this is a Joke. I really have to try hard to keep shut. I often feel that the life experiences I am going through are so unique to ‘me’ that though many would have written about it mine would be still ‘me’. This is what often reflects in what I write and what I think I will write but don’t write…………….

Anyway just like most of us in Pune at this time of the year are catching cold and cough due to ups and down in the weather!!!!, Naaaaaaaaaa! It’s the pollution and traffic. OK! I promise to be serious ahead

And then yesterday I finally lost my voice. For a duck it can be so difficult to let the day pass with out quacking. But the little of quack quack here and quack quack there is often I guess makes more sense then some of the most sensible write ups. Anyway enough of boasting.

My experiences, or rather responses of my colleagues as I went mute was.
God! How is she going to work?
Why not take a day off.
What will happen if she wants to barge into discussion as always?
How peaceful it would be today
Can we handle this silence?

But was in the store was much more hilarious than I thought. I was amazed at the kind of non verbal communication I could strike with most people around including the LPG deliver man.

Another amazing thing was that 3 out of 7 colleagues talked to me in the same murmur tone as I talked to them it was such an reflex. It seemed so funny to me as I noticed them speak in my ear. Most of them making fun of me.

Till I finally realised my throat really needs some res even if my mind does not. As our generation has been BLESSED by comps. I finally comfortably took to the key board and the rest was HISTORY…………… :-)

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