Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Today on CNNIBN in one of their surveys about women and … I really don’t know what the focus was as it was neither seemed leadership nor violence as the focus.

Though what caught my attention in the burred repetition of debate, was the use of phase women wearing ‘nude clothes’ by the ex-member of National commission of women (hey! We are so special we have a commission for ourselves), my immediate reaction was alright!

Till date the debate was women wearing or not wearing clothes, or how much was the talk of the town and it made some sense not as a debate but at least it builds up logic. But what does it mean by nude clothes, either the person has to be nude or wearing clothes or if the person is wearing clothes she/he can not be nude, simple logic right!

Wrong! The objection is really to clothes being metaphor of being expression of women’s sexuality. Does that mean that women who do not let their skin show have no sexuality? All those who ask such questions and are bothered about issues so narrow I feel are too unsecure of change, expressions an need help.

For me sexuality goes beyond what I wear, the texture of the cotton I wear, the print on the cloth and the color of the cloth, the border of the cloth, the fragrance of the drape. It is for me so beautiful that the even the fragrance of my hair would exhumes ones sexuality, the pen I use the color of my pen the stationary I chose, the wall paper of my laptop all is extension and expression of my sexual being.

The problem is looking at sexuality only form the glass of lust and not beauty, expression, space, freedom and much more.

I am not a sexist and nor a feminist but I would like to believe that I am very sexually aware of myself and would be happy to have space for expression.

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