Sunday, September 28, 2008


After a long time i felt like writing something today. Was holding back have a look at what is happening around me. Today i feel free and relived.

But what made me really write this blog that the questions i have always had in mind and the questions that i have been asking to myself and people around me, weather associated to me by work or otherwise seems to be reflecting form various other people and specially women.For a moment i also stop to think am i being container of what i see and hear form other co-travelers in life. I would like to make it clear on the onset that i am not any feminist of sort or i am not particularly a person who dislikes men.(If someone wants to believe i actually Love them) But when i get a feeling of being pushed down, being restricted i feel like... This creeps in a feeling of being unequal in me it makes me have walked back in my journey in life then walking ahead. It is difficult, it feels bad that people around you get hurt wen you decide to talk your mind, it often seems so irrelevant to many people why would someone really want to be so different, why is it so difficult for people like me to stick to the societal norms, i guess that is what actually drew many people closer initially which later start becoming a difficult reality and character in a person to cope.

After thinking long i felt that is not too much i can do to change the way people look at me, if you really ask i would rather like people to remember me if the want to remember me as a more thoughtful and meaningful person rather then stereotypical loving and caring.

I feel i have just one life like most of us and i want to be myself. It might give me bruises i know but just feel like doing a blind jump in the pool, i feel like floating, i just hope i do not kike anyone in the same waters as i float along.

Just though of speaking my mind or heart, i know not...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Beauty of Exploration

I know we can not ignore what is not nice, but does that mean we can not talk of beauty.

As a woman I just woke up to the fact that many and as many as beyond 70% of the women do not explore what is that they want. The way we are socialized and the way we are conditioned we are expected not to think, not to wish. And if things can get any worse then this, we are also TOLD what is that we should expect and how is that we should behave.

In all these pressure of expectations and suggestions, are we really expected to be beings without brains. Should we not see the path of exploration? Its beautiful to explore, one who has always been close to nature and people both y interest and through work it sound so suffocating that one is not allowed to explore.

The incidents of women bearing children and still never talked to their HUSBANDS are still sited as examples of how an IDEAL woman should be. I just can not stop but question how does she not think that I am expected to bare a child of someone who is not even known to me as a person.

What kind of world we are into where at one end we want to know the smallest thing of a person. The evident paparazzi growing in our country, the need to know latest news and the goriest details are some of the examples. On other hand there is no need to get in touch with a person around you. Though it would be interesting to look that even this knowing other is how much out of love, and concern and not control or to satisfy paparazzi mind.

It seems we are quite developed the world is moving fast but then is it only a few like me who get nostalgic by the though that the milk-man was part of your extended family and used to know most family details, where we didn’t have to put name tag on the clot we sent for iron. Nor do we take and effort to know the name of the watchman who salutes me as I walk in and out of my campus.

I seem confused, saying tings which seem to take you nowhere…

But Hey! I am just wondering is there a mid way. Can we become people, human, but still not step on each others toe. Can we give and have spaces but still not be aloof.

Can we live in the 'NOW' rather than then and try and make best of where we are.

I often travel and have shared with others who travel too, that in the rush of getting to where we eventually will get we often forget the journey itself.

Looks like real vague thoughts, but I really feel beautiful that I do THINK and want to EXPLORE