Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Energies are like ‘Snow Globe’

Hey guys don’t be surprised I also did not know its called show globe, But yes I am talking about the Christmas toy, which when you shake up the snow flake seems to keep falling all the time.

Some time back I was talking to some one and I used the phrase ‘draw energies’ from … Something about it did not give me a very good feeling. The word drawing sounded like extraction.

I wanted to look back at my own life experiences, where in I am a source of initiating the energy circuit flow. One, for sure I feel this would necessarily not be an expression I would want others to use for me. But more precisely I was at ease with a feeling that it’s not a draining process for me it also energises me. But the expectation of always being the source of energy can for sure be draining.

At another point as I was in a process of looking at my own energies and the energies around when the metaphor of ‘Snow Globe’ struck me. It a sealed space, where in there is nothing added or reduced, Just like the energies of the world around. (Don’t be dreamy! I am not sure if I men cosmic, I am more grounded) I mean energies among us you and I.

Its such a unconscious process where in a casual talk, a chat with a friend completely meaningless, a Childs sharing of his/ her fun and exploration, a look, a touch, anything around you has potentials of giving energies like the flowing water in the Globe with two colors when you shake, it just livens up the globe and each module of it then goes back.

Yes so if you exhume (is it a correct usage, any way) energy organically it will come back to you form the same person or some where else but it’s always in motion moving. When it does not reach back you feel a temporary moment of depletion and low on energy, till it reaches again.

Sometimes you are in a still snow globe where you do not feel any motion or movement, but I guess the best part of the Real show globe in which we are, are like modules floating in water with permeable skins and not ‘sealed’ so if you do not get energies from the snow globe you are in you have an opportunity of relating to another snow globe.

Hmmmmm! That makes me think is the world around us which we think is ‘our’ world a snow globe or we as individuals are then a Snow globe in ourselves.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Bombay a Story

After a very long time a couple of days back i took my chance of being a traveler with no specific purpose or objective into a place not much know or familiar. Though i have always preferred the greens and the wilderness as my thing to explore this time i chose a completely different destination.

A city bursting with people, every one in his or her own mind involved in a world in a way very personal to all. Sill lot and secluded form most things happening around. I had a 10 MPS 15X lance in my cam but just could not click picks felt like would intrude on to some one. It was amazing being in different locations form Malad to south Bombay to the campus of one of the best know colleges to government building and many more, though the most interesting of all i found were the streets of Bombay. It was a life and experience in itself.

It was such an amazing thing to see that the city pushes you to the brink and situation where in you are just a nut and bolt of the metros machine but that in a way also makes or helps people explore life where ever they are. A lot of our Indian picks have used statements like 'there is a story behind every face...'

For once i was not over whelmed by the city, nothing much bothered me i was much at peace enjoying my experience as a traveler. It for me was a experience of being lost but also relating with people on impulse.

One experience though i would put at as top of these couple of days experience was a a Irani tea stall. I was served by a a very interesting youth, who dosen't seem to ask questions about the realities he is in, dosen't complain and was so much in sink with himself and his realities, extending his SELF to customers reaching out without any surety 'how the other will react to me' this was something remarkable and made me think and explore what in him makes him go so easy on/in life. Ya! there might be deeper stories behind him, but here at work in this place he know its a different life space and looking at him a thought struck me and i feel that is my learning form this life experience and this experience with Bombay - Here you have to FEEL A WORLD ABOUT YOUR SELF TO BE IN THIS WORLD. And i guess that is what i take form this trip of mine.

Thanks to him :)