Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Memories of communication

It feels rather strange to even write about this. What could be just a change of hand set (Cellphone) to some is something else to someone.

i recently had to change my handset. As i didn't want to loose more data i quickly switched form my old to new handset and transferred the contact list. I don't change hand sets too often. So the last one i have been using for about 3 years now. I feel they were the most remarkable years of my life and i could see myself grow as a person, build more associations. i have moved miles closer to being Me. Stopped worrying about what others want me to be. and there are hundreds of communication with some and many, who have brought me where i stand today. Much at peace, much happier.

Many communications which make this part of 'my story' were trapped in that small device we all call Phone. Cell phones have become such a source of communication that this one with which i was parting, still held so much of information, things i would still go back to and ponder on, a text which made me smile, an angry word not yet buried, 'Just the care' needed in time, last communication with the friend i lost an appreciation which made me think world of me and many more ...

To retain all that, which was important enough for me, i made all the efforts to transfer the text history but without any success. i held the handset for days, till finally when i had to take a call on it and discard.

Today finally i was pushed to reformat it and erase all of that, though something someone said, made me over come almost an traumatic situation :) - Let it go, the experience of those moments will always be with you - isn't it!

YES IT IS and the the people who made them are still with me. I look forward to creation of those new moments with them ...with us