Monday, June 28, 2010

The world of hackers

i understand the term 'Ethical hacking' and when i say i understand i men i am literate in terms of what it means but in a ways i really do not understand.

If you hack you hack, what is ethical about it. It reminds me of the dialogue in - enemy of the State - when Will Smith's wife says - who is going to monitor the monitors of monitors. It sounds like that to me.

My concern is how do i know who is hacking into my account, when is some one hacking into my account. What beats me completely is what keeps people engaged on to wanting to lap up over information and more information and more and it seems like no dearth of apatite for some.

I wonder what have the James Bond's and the Byomkesh Bakshi's and the new age DON's contributed to the need in us to investigate. Or is it some childhood dream that we are wanting to live.

How irritating it can be to realize that you have been hacked - always stumbling over mails and not realizing what people are talking. Till you realize there are couple of mails which looked marked read actually you have not gone through. It almost is like two users using one account and creating mess for themselves and others. So one is the entire issue of going back and forth, back and forth trying to make sense of what you missed and what you did not.

Secondly to create an encyclopedia of passwords. Every time i realize there is something funny with my mail i change the password and for a while then it is all fine. But now guys i have done it almost at an average of once a month and i have run short of all the references to create a password for myself.

Lost between the Ethics and Hacking i stand in this World wide Web -

to all the

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dew drops lost in rain

It has been amazing, wonderful or mostly can't express the way i feel as my bundle of joy grows up.

It has been lovely seeing him grow and take his first baby steps towards taking charge of himself and being comfortable with it. Also its marvelous to experience the kind of freedom and need for care he continuously expresses and does not have any anxiety or apprehension about the switch between the two. I hope i could have that him in me it's just amazing to see him do so.

Some lovely dew drops i felt like capturing before they all get washed in the rain to come. Cause each one of them was special and that moment, as someone said will always be with me, nothing can capture that moment...

Some time back had gone to pick him up when his friend for the first time wanted a private moment between them and i was asked to stay out, even now writing about it brings smile - ear to ear - for me it was also a moment of joy when someone so special to me was now in the journey of become special to others

The other day he had a pool party on the last day of Summer camp. I packed his clothes for the party for after the pool session. In the evening a very excited he hugs me and tells me all about the party, in all his blabber about the party what he keeps repeating is - she said i look like a man - like shahrukh khan. For once i found shahrukh so amazing :)

These days he has also got into writing letter to his friend, still grapling with learning words, sometimes he gets upset on his dependency on us and wants to express and weave his own words in the letter to express his wishes and fondness to the friend. Its always cherishing to see him share his experience of how the letter was received by his friend. The other day he received a reply back and he kept asking me to read it over and over again, love him for his expression of affection and the joy ti bring to him just around that feeling. It doesn't matter to him if he is receiving it or giving.

This mothers day i was lucky, he got a idea of gifting me something from somewhere. It kept knowing him till he could finally make up his mind to make a card for me and gift it to me. Its a first gift from him to me of a different kinds and boy you make me feel the world of myself. Hey guys am i getting carried away...

The other day after his father, he decided to shave his hair off. He kept telling me about it, pestering me, i was not too sure if he really wanted it. A kid who otherwise was scared of Zero machine even running on part of his head will he want something like that all over his head. I kept ignoring his idea till the day we really had to go for a haircut. I asked him again if he was ready for it and what surprised me was his determination. He has been sporting a lovely bald since that day, carrying himself like no one can and enjoying every bit of loosing the volume of hair.

The list is long, his choice of colors he would like to ware, to the decision of what he would like to do with his free time and much more. I just want to thank him for letting me be part of these experiences of his



he is slowly exploring his need for loving, caring and showing affection. Lucky me - i am the immediate person he experiments with. He loves to say nice things these days in appreciation. He is slowly recognizing that there can be 'many' others in my life other then him and is slowly being comfortable with it. He is OK with sharing about his comfort and discomfort with it.

The other day he asked me - what jealousy was all about - i was trying to help him understand through examples. But what struck him the most is his own experience of how he feels when i play with other children, what was most amazing for me was his comfort with his jealousy

Recently he was so pleased to be served warm meal as soon as we reached home, that in reciprocation with little help he insisted and made me sit and served me warm meal, it amazes me to see how he is building brick by brick. What is most interesting is these are not stray incidents... they happen all the time :)